Soul Shine

life | love | inspiration | beauty


Speak it into existence

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Call those things which are not as though they were.
I am believing this, well, I always have...but it's been on the backburner. My faith has been idle, and I want to change that. I know my source, I know who I go to in any type of circumstance that I may be facing. God gi…

Hope in despair

~Written on 7/28~
I feel really drained today. I had a little episode last night, I let my emotions get the best of me. I really need to learn how to center my feelings, and not let them run all crazy in the moment. I should digest the situation, sit on it for a sec and then react. I'm extremely…


*Slowly poking through the endless amount of cobwebs up in this place*
OH HI! It's been a while...again. I promise, I've thought about sneaking in here and writing what my little heart ever so wildly desires, but you know, life and quite frankly, procrastination has swallowed me up. How to g…

Working On Me

Wow, it's hard to believe that we are already into 2020, like, really? I remember when we hit 2k, and everybody thought the world was going to end! Good grief, I am old. We have entered a new decade, and honestly, I don't want to bullshit this year. I need to get my health in check, meaning…
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